Day 7 (Part B)

The Construction of Vanilla Dress

In the last lesson, I showed you how to draft the Vanilla Dress from scratch. Today let’s look at the construction details.

First click here to download today’s lesson files. This download has pretty much all the details. Now i’ll show you how I actually made the dress.

  • By now hopefully you drafted your pattern. The next step is to true it. I gave the details of how to true in the download.
  • Then you need to add seam allowance to the pattern as shown in the file.
  • Choose the fabric and prepare as guided.
  • layout the pattern and cut.

Here’s my pattern cut into fabric. I choose rayon fabric which is light weight.

Sew the darts.

Join the pleats.

Join the waistline.

Join the shoulders on facing and main pieces.

Attach facing to main pieces on armhole and neckline, right sides together. Snip the curves wit little slits using scissor.

Turn inside out.

Join the sideseam.

Attach the zipper on center back

Sew the hem.

And the finished Dress!

Today’s Task

  1. Download the lesson file.
  2. True the pattern
  3. Add seam allowance
  4. Choose the fabric and prepare.
  5. Layout and cut.
  6. Sew the Dress.
  7. Send me your finished Dress photo for feedback.